Sutradara: Tom Hooper
Studio: UK Film Council, See-Saw Films, Bedlam Productions
Distribusi: Momentum Pictures (Inggris), The Weinstein Company (AS), Transmission Films (Australia)
Tahun: 2010
Wajah-wajah terkenal:
Colin Firth
Geoffrey Rush
Helena Bonham Carter
Michael Gambon
Timothy Spall
Setting: Inggris (1925-1939)
Tag di laptop saya: "Real People True Story"
Pangeran gagap yang terpaksa jadi Raja, menggantikan ayahnya yang hebat dan kakaknya yang berkarisma. Menemukan penyembuhan lewat seorang 'teman' yang 'setara' dan bersedia mendengarkan.
Rating: 4,8 dari 5
Pada tahun 1925, Albert the Duke of York (Firth) yakin ia tidak akan sembuh dari penyakit gagapnya. Semua ahli medis speech organ di kalangan Istana gagal menyembuhkannya. Istrinya, Elizabeth the Duchess of York, menemukan seorang speech therapist di tengah kota London. Walaupun sudah diperingatkan bahwa Lionel Logue, terapis tersebut, tidak ortodoks dan kontroversial, Elizabeth, menyamar sebagai Mrs. Johnson, menemui Logue dan memintanya menyembuhkan suaminya. Pertamanya Logue menolak karena syarat-syaratnya tidak dipenuhi. Bahkan ketika ia tahu bahwa Mr. dan Mrs. Johnson sebenarnya adalah The Duke and The Duchess of York, ia meminta pasiennya mengikuti syarat-syaratnya, antara lain terapi dilakukan di flatnya yang sederhana di London, dan ia meminta kesetaraan dan kepercayaan penuh dari pasiennya.
Dalam prosesnya, Sang Pangeran sering kali melawan dan marah-marah, tapi Logue sabar dan akhirnya mereka menemukan kemajuan. Logue menemanggil The Duke dengan panggilan akrabnya Bertie, menyuruh sang pangeran memanggilnya Lionel, dan mereka menjadi teman baik. Mereka meninjau kenangan-kenangan buruk di masa kecil Bertie yang ternyata berkontribusi terhadap penyakit gagapnya.
Di tahun 1936 Bertie harus menggantikan kakaknya King Edward VIII yang memilih menikahi 'janda Amerika yang sudah pernah cerai dua kali'. Bertie, Albert the Duke of York pun mau tak mau menjadi King George VI. Menggantikan dua figur Raja yang hebat, ayahnya George V dan kakaknya sendiri, Bertie merasa terbayang-bayangi. Apalagi penyakit gagapnya belum sembuh dan ancaman perang dari Jerman semakin nyata.
Tantangan pertamanya sebagai Raja adalah pidato perang di tahun 1939 yang disiarkan ke seluruh negeri dan kekaisaran (kurang lebih seperempat populasi manusia di dunia). Namun dengan didampingi Lionel Logue, pidato tersebut disampaikan dengan baik dan Sang Raja pun menemukan keberanian serta kepercayaan dirinya. Logue selalu mendampingi Sang Raja dalam setiap pidatonya, yang kemudian menjadi penghiburan dan sumber kesatuan bagi warga Inggris yang sedang bersiap menghadapi Perang Dunia kedua sebelum sembuh benar dari ngerinya Perang Dunia pertama.
Film ini sangat-sangat bagus, menggabungkan kompleksitas yang bisa terjadi di antara ketatnya aturan menjadi anggota kerajaan, publisitas yang takterhindarkan, dan krusialnya teknologi penyiaran (broadcasting) dalam politik dan kesatuan negara. Dialog-dialognya cerdas dan khas Inggris.
Saya jadi speechless.
Lionel Logue: Please don't smoke. I believe sucking cigarette smoke into your lungs will kill you.
George 'Bertie' VI: I need to relax. My physicians say it relaxes the throat.
Lionel Logue: They're idiots.
George 'Bertie' VI: They've all been knighted.
Lionel Logue: Makes it official then.
King George VI: [Sees Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] What are you doing? Get up! You can't sit there! GET UP!
Lionel Logue : Why not? It's a chair.
King George VI : No, that. It is not a chair. T-that... that is Saint Edward's chair.
Lionel Logue : People have carved their names on it.
King George VI : [Simultaneously] That... chair... is the seat on which every king and queen has... That is the Stone of Scone you ah-are trivializing everything. You trivialize...
Lionel Logue : [Simultaneously] It's held in place by a large rock. I don't care about how many royal arseholes have sat in this chair.
King George V: In the past all a King had to do was look respectable in uniform and not fall off his horse. Now we must invade people's homes and ingratiate ourselves with them. This family is reduced to those lowest, basest of all creatures, we've become actors!
The Duke of York: We're not a family, we're a firm.
Lionel Logue: You have such perseverance Bertie, you're the bravest man I know.
Lionel Logue: You still stammered on the 'W'.
King George VI: Well I had to throw in a few so they knew it was me.
Lionel Logue: You don't need to be afraid of things you were afraid of when you were five.
Princess Elizabeth: [Watching a newsreel of Hitler] What's he saying?
King George VI: I don't know, but he seems to be saying it rather well.
King Edward VIII: Sorry, I've been terribly busy.
The Duke of York: Doing what?
King Edward VIII: Kinging.
Myrtle Logue: Will their majesties be staying for dinner?
Queen Elizabeth: We would love to, such a treat. but alas a prior engagement. Such a a pity.
Queen Elizabeth: [Using the name "Mrs. Johnson"] My husband's work involves a great deal of public speaking.
Lionel Logue: Then he should change jobs.
Queen Elizabeth: He can't.
Lionel Logue: What is he, an indentured servant?
Queen Elizabeth: Something like that.
King George VI: If I'm King, where's my power? Can I form a government? Can I levy a tax, declare a war? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority. Why? Because the nation believes that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can't speak.
King George VI: [as he prepares to broadcast his wartime speech] However this turns out, I don't know how to thank you.
Lionel Logue : [after a pause] Knighthood?
Lionel Logue: Why do you stammer so much more with David than you ever do with me?
King George VI : 'Cos you're b... bloody well paid to listen.
Lionel Logue : Bertie, I'm not a geisha girl.
Myrtle Logue: [see the Queen at her dining table, stunned] Y - you...?
Queen Elizabeth : It's 'Your Majesty' the first time. After that, it's 'ma'am', as in 'ham'. Not 'ma'am', as in 'palm'.
King George VI: If we were equals, I wouldn't be here. I'd be at home with my wife, and no one would give a damn.
King George VI: Waiting for a king to apologize, one can wait a long wait.
King George VI: Every monarch in history has succeeded someone who is dead. Or just about to be. My predecessor's not only alive, but very much so. Bloody mess. Can't even give them a Christmas speech.
Lionel Logue : Like your dad used to do.
King George VI : Precisely.
Lionel Logue : He's not here anymore.
King George VI : Yes he is: he's on that shilling I gave you.
Lionel Logue : Easy enough to give away. You don't have to carry him around in your pocket. Or your brother. You don't need to be afraid of the things you were afraid of when you were five.
- Colin Firth sbg King George VI (A Single Man, Tinker Sailor Soldier Spy, Conspiracy)
- Geoffrey Rush sbg Lionel Logue (Shine, Shakespeare in Love, Quills, sangat terkenal sebagai Kapten Barbossa di film Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Helena Bonham Carter sbg Queen Elizabeth (The Wings of the Dove, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Alice in Wonderland, Les Miserables, dan sebagai Bellatrix Lestrange di film Harry Potter)
- Guy Pearce sbg King Edward VIII
- Michael Gambon sbg King George V (Albus Dumbledore di film-film Harry Potter, dan banyak sekali film lainnya)
- Timothy Spall sbg Winston Churchill (Peter 'Wormtail' Pettigrew di film-film Harry Potter, Sweeney Todd, Vanilla Sky)
- Jennifer Ehle sbg Myrtle Logue
- Derek Jacobi sbg Archbishop Cosmo Lang
- Anthony Andrews sbg Stanley Baldwin
- Eve Best sbg Wallis Simpson
- Freya Wilson sbg Princess Elizabeth
- Ramona Marquez sbg Princess Margaret
- Claire Bloom sbg Queen Mary
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